When an artist has been refining their skills for a long time there is a natural sense of connection that you can feel when you see them work. It’s a rare gift to watch someone like Sandra Beingessner move around her studio… pulling perfect combinations of glass rods and fluidly making magic before our eyes. She turns pretty little sticks of colour into the most exquisite pieces of wearable art.
Sandra is the kind of woman who initiates growth within herself and in doing so, she is an artist that inspires growth and expansion in the people around her. With each piece of jewelry that she creates she gifts the essence of possibility and the intention of shared passion. Her customers see the uniqueness in her work and once they fall in love with Bliss Beads, they seem to be lifelong admirers and collectors.
From the time she was a child Sandra explored the world from a creative slant. When she took a bead class in 2003 she fell in love. The more she did the more she could see the unlimited possibilities with the medium.
Like nurturing a beautiful flower from conception to a full grown bloom… Sandra tended to her passion with care. She rented torch time for six months to ensure she was truly ready to purchase her own equipment and slowly, purposefully built her collection of tools and toys. Her knowledge and skill expanded as she brought more equipment into her space. Using a small room at the back of her hair salon, Bliss Beads was soon bursting through the door. Her creative expression couldn’t be contained and she now successfully integrates her hair salon with her bead studio.
In the process of making her beads Sandra selects her colour groupings first, looking for the perfect combinations to create signature Bliss Bead pieces. Once she’s selected her pallet, Sandra works with the torch to transform the glass into beautiful art and then places the beads into her kiln at high temperatures. She uses dots, swirls, petals and various other shapes that speak to her unique style. Finding inspiration in nature, Sandra enjoys recreating the delicate shapes and colours of flowers. After the kiln the beads are slowly cooled, which reinforces their strength. All Bliss Beads are kiln annealed for strength and durability. A timely process that Sandra feels is well worth the extra effort.
Markets have been a big part of how Sandra is able to connect in person with her clientele and share her jewelry. Attending markets allow people to see her at work and deepened their connection with not only the piece, but the process and the woman behind the beautiful beads. Sandra’s attention to detail and use of high quality finishing, swarovski crystals and gems, sterling and antique silver and bronze has resulted in unique and popular pieces that attract a strong following.
Always open to growing in new directions, Sandra found herself infusing new life into precious heirlooms and old jewelry for her clients. Finding ways to maintain a personal connection or significant aspect of a piece while transforming it into jewelry people love to wear is something that Sandra moved into quite naturally. Her compassionate spirit and attention to detail are a perfect fit for serving her customers with such care in these custom projects.
Bliss Beads is also a proud contributor to ‘Beads of Courage’, an amazing organization that collects beads from a variety of artists to use in Children’s Hospitals. The program motivates and inspires children as they go through various types of treatment. The beads represent a procedure or test they need to undergo and like colourful little badges of courage, the kids get to choose a bead each time and string their own necklace. Sandra is supporting this program by donating to the live auction to help raise money for this amazing cause.